Monday, May 17, 2010


When a person falls into a deep slumber they have little to no control over the dreams that envelope their minds. Because people have no control over their brain while they sleep, often times dreams end up telling people the things that they try the hardest to suppress. If the ideas in our dreams do stem from our subconscious, maybe people should listen to what the dreams tell them.

Dreams that people find pleasurable are those that make someone want to roll over and go back to sleep, so they can dream some more. Often times people's alarms go off, and they hit the snooze so they can go back to dreamland and continue on with their feel-good dream. Good dreams are those that most people want to remember, but they are often the one that exit the memory most quickly.

Although some people claim only to dream the happy things, others have a more difficult time dealing with their troubling dreams. Often times, the bad dreams are what tell people the most, whether it be what they need to change in their life or what might happen if they do not change anything.

Dreams can be life changing to some, while others just slip under the mattress, never to be thought of again. Numerous stories have been told about people, who dream about the death of a family member, or even their own death, and they become obsessed with making their life different; never letting that particular dream come true.

No matter what type of dreams people dream, they still have power over our brains that we cannot control.

Click here to interpret your own dreams, or here to look into the dream dictionary.

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