Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Too Much Sleep...?

Too much sleep, rarely heard of in today's fast track society, but there are a small number of people who catch too many zzz's.

Slumber is definitely beneficial to our bodies, but too much sleep can be harmful. Depending on the time of day a person sleeps too much, it can cause several health issues such as depression, mood swings, and obesity. A person who spends all their time resting and none of it out exercising or just being out in general, can experience several of the above mentioned health issues.

Some people who suffer from depression are diagnosed because of symptoms such as too much sleep. Many people who have friends or family member who suffer from depression recognize the problem because all the person wants to do is stay in bed and sleep, not facing the world or any of their other problems. Often when a doctor diagnoses depression they will prescribe medicine that will allow the patient to get a better nights rest so they do not feel so tired and the time they do spend in bed is really what they need. This allows people to spend the rest of their time out feeling better and working through their problems.

People everywhere wish that they could get more sleep, but they must make sure that they do not end up getting too much rest, because it can be just as harmful at too little slumber.

Image can be found here.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dream Hangover

Ever had a dream so weird and bizarre that when you wake up it is all you can think about for the entire morning and early afternoon? Maybe something happens in it that you just cannot get out of your head? These dreams cause what some people like to call, a dream hangover.

Much like the traditional hangover, the dream hangover takes over the brain and controls it in ways that most people wish it would not. It keeps a person's mind occupied so much that often times they have trouble with concentrating on the other things going on around them.

Dream hangovers usually hit a person when they least expect it, making the resulting symptoms even more difficult to deal with. They are especially frustrating to deal with you have other things you need to control and be held accountable for. Because dream hangovers can be so powerful, they can cause miss-communication between people, resulting in even more problems.

The best thing to do with a dream hangover is to just let it work its way through your mind and after several hours, it usually passes, allowing you to get back to your regularly scheduled life.

Monday, May 17, 2010


When a person falls into a deep slumber they have little to no control over the dreams that envelope their minds. Because people have no control over their brain while they sleep, often times dreams end up telling people the things that they try the hardest to suppress. If the ideas in our dreams do stem from our subconscious, maybe people should listen to what the dreams tell them.

Dreams that people find pleasurable are those that make someone want to roll over and go back to sleep, so they can dream some more. Often times people's alarms go off, and they hit the snooze so they can go back to dreamland and continue on with their feel-good dream. Good dreams are those that most people want to remember, but they are often the one that exit the memory most quickly.

Although some people claim only to dream the happy things, others have a more difficult time dealing with their troubling dreams. Often times, the bad dreams are what tell people the most, whether it be what they need to change in their life or what might happen if they do not change anything.

Dreams can be life changing to some, while others just slip under the mattress, never to be thought of again. Numerous stories have been told about people, who dream about the death of a family member, or even their own death, and they become obsessed with making their life different; never letting that particular dream come true.

No matter what type of dreams people dream, they still have power over our brains that we cannot control.

Click here to interpret your own dreams, or here to look into the dream dictionary.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Noise Pollution in Sleep

Does your spouse snore? Do you snore yourself? Do you live near a busy street, or maybe you are a college student living in a dorm, where sleep is seldom heard of?

All of the noises listed above are common reasons for getting little to no sleep. If you are a light sleeper like I am, you know how awful it can be to finally fall asleep, after hours of trying, and then suddenly be woken up five minutes later by a noise that was preventable. It is one of the most frustrating feelings not to be able to get any sleep because there is simply too much noise.

One of the most common noises complained about by people, is snoring. Whether it is their spouse that snores, a family member or even the person them self, snoring is one the hardest things to sleep through. Snoring is the universal sign that a person is asleep, but it also usually means that the other people around that person are wide awake ready to rip their ears off. Personally, I find snoring extremely annoying and can not sleep at all when someone is engaging in this terrible act. Now I am not saying that to some people snoring can help them fall into a deep slumber, but to others it brings them right out of their sweet sleep. As if you don't get enough of this annoying noise at night, I am including a video of a person snoring.

Living in a place where their is noise all the time, can be very difficult as well. Take New York City for example, there is a reason that it is named the city that never sleeps. With the constant stream of noise that most New Yorkers face each night, they get little to no sleep. Personally, I I could never survive living in the city, unless there was a way to make my entire home sound proof; it is not the place for light sleepers.

College is another place where sleep seldom happens during the night. Now most students would say that the lack of sleep stems from procrastination, and too many assignments, but when people are loud in the hallway or the room next door, sleep is impossible. Several people say they will quiet down after someone asks them to, but it rarely happens with just one request.

So there we have it, just more reason why we get less and less sleep everyday. Maybe trying to sleep at night is our problem? Who knows, but if anyone has an answer feel free to respond.

You can find the photo here. You can find this video here

It is all in the position you sleep in.

While looking through recent articles on the yahoo.com home page, an interesting article popped up. It was all about different sleep positions and the things that they suggest about your personality.

As I read through the personality descriptions of the sleep positions, I became interested in seeing if this analysis of positions were really true. Professor Chris Idzikowski, who is the head of the UK Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service, found that these positions really do match up to the personalities of the people who sleep in them.

After spending some time thinking about the position I sleep in the most, I decided that I could not pick just one. I am a restless sleeper, constantly changing positions, every time I awake during the night. After coming to the conclusion that I sleep in several positions every night, I realized that this must also mean that I am a little bit of every personality. The fetus position suggests my "sensitive heart," the log suggests my "easy going, social side," my stubbornness stems from the yearner, from the soldier my high standards, my dislike for criticism from the freefaller, and my ability to listen from the starfish. Not everyone sleeps in all these positions like I do, but I would be interested in asking my friends about the positions they sleep in most and if their personality descriptions are accurate.

So I know that everyone must being dying to find out about their own sleep positions so here is the link where I found all of the information for this post: http://www.flatseats.com/General/positions.htm. The image was found here as well.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Ever wish you could stop everything and just sleep. Sometimes we all just need to act like the Spanish and take and afternoon siesta. These afternoon naps are not only a time to get away from work and school, but also to relax before finishing a busy day.

An afternoon snooze could improve anyone's day, even those people who claim to not need a few more hours of rest. Everyone needs sleep, and an extra few hours in the afternoon will not kill anyone. If American's could take anything from another culture several people might wish it to be siestas (naps) from the Spanish. Although this might require several alterations to our busy, go go go, world, it would benefit us so much more than "Americanized" Chinese food. Hope this does not hurt anyone's feelings or crush their dreams, but it is not authentic.

What would be so wrong with society if people took the time to get a little more shuteye? Everyone could benefit from a few extra hours of shuteye. Sometimes people need to focus on what's best for themselves rather than rushing around all day long doing things for every one else. The siesta, just one suggestion, may allow everyone some more time to leisurely doze.

Monday, May 3, 2010

some like it hot and some like it cold

In order for some people to sleep, they must have it absolutely freezing so they can snuggle under the covers. People who like it warm say that they like being able to lay atop of the covers and not shiver. Those that like the in between temperatures have their reasons for wanting them, but all these people have one thing in common, they need the perfect temperature to get any sleep at all.

Now this preference stems from how people feel most comfortable when going through the process of falling asleep. Dealing with fans, air conditioners, and space heaters are a hassle, when all a person wants to do is lay down in their bed and go to sleep.

The temperature makes a lot of difference on whether or not a person feels rested in the morning. When the temperature is not perfect, people spend the entire night tossing and turning, rather than sleeping.

Falling asleep can be frustrating and difficult all on its own, but with the added pressure of having the perfect temperature, it is a nightmare.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

only seven hours

Everyone knows how precious sleep is, but few realize how necessary it is. One needs enough rest in order to work hard and maintain order in all interactions, sleep is essential. Without slumber, the world would be one cranky mess.

The recommended amount of "zzz's" for the average person is at least seven hours. It can be hard to fit in those crucial seven hours in a person’s crammed schedule, but in relation to a twenty-four hour day, seven hours is only approximately thirty percent. The other seventy percent is left for all other important daily activities, like talking on the phone, texting, and Facebook chatting, of course.

So, for tonight everyone should try to get at least seven hours of shuteye and see how they feel in the morning.