Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It is all in the position you sleep in.

While looking through recent articles on the yahoo.com home page, an interesting article popped up. It was all about different sleep positions and the things that they suggest about your personality.

As I read through the personality descriptions of the sleep positions, I became interested in seeing if this analysis of positions were really true. Professor Chris Idzikowski, who is the head of the UK Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service, found that these positions really do match up to the personalities of the people who sleep in them.

After spending some time thinking about the position I sleep in the most, I decided that I could not pick just one. I am a restless sleeper, constantly changing positions, every time I awake during the night. After coming to the conclusion that I sleep in several positions every night, I realized that this must also mean that I am a little bit of every personality. The fetus position suggests my "sensitive heart," the log suggests my "easy going, social side," my stubbornness stems from the yearner, from the soldier my high standards, my dislike for criticism from the freefaller, and my ability to listen from the starfish. Not everyone sleeps in all these positions like I do, but I would be interested in asking my friends about the positions they sleep in most and if their personality descriptions are accurate.

So I know that everyone must being dying to find out about their own sleep positions so here is the link where I found all of the information for this post: http://www.flatseats.com/General/positions.htm. The image was found here as well.

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